FIRST LOOK: Volume control on Earshots

September 16

One of the top three items our customers are seeking is volume control on Earshots themselves.  This solves the problem of having to get the phone out or use fiddly watch controls to toggle volume on the smart phone.

Since Gen1 of Earshots we have been listening and observing so we can learn what will make volume buttons work really well during activity and is what we have learnt:

  • Needs to be easy to press
  • Can't be activated accidentally by a soft touch or moisture
  • Tactile so that after you press you get immediate feedback that the button has activated 
  • Needs to be water/sweat tight so as to not provide additional areas where water/sweat can leak in
  • Button needs to be placed in a location that when pressed, doesn't risk the secure and comfortable fit Earshots have e.g. pushing the earbud in your ear 

The images below show a first look at what we are working on.  Note: You can see on three buttons on the hook part of the Earshot.  The rectangular buttons are for volume and the circle button is for ANC toggling. 

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